Friday, September 19, 2008

The Digg Fraud

Digg is a social bookmarking service where you submit links. If the links are popular (voted by friends, fans and others) they are listed on the Digg frontpage.
Apparently, only a miniscule portion of the submissions appear on the frontpage and that are also submitted by a very small majority of an alleged ‘Elite Digger Ring’.

There are a million visitors on Digg daily. That pops up a very interesting scenario. A scenario where money ‘the Great God’ is involved. A single frontpage article can send in visitors to a site by the thousands per minute. In addition, as with every ‘big money thing’ there is always a black game where without the help of the institution that is concerned you can’t make money, as is the matter with the fraudulent Establishment.

It is alleged that Kevin Rose is allied with a select few Diggers and that constitute the ‘Elite Digger Ring’. As you can understand it is a matter of ‘big money’, nothing can be impossible.

It is apparent that Diggers like MrBabymen, Msaleem and a few others have Dugged a gigantic amount and sometimes they Digg so quickly that you will be baffled. But their accounts are not banned instead you find the newbie Digger, that unsuspecting and unknowing fool’s account being banned with a one or two sprinkles from the top to bring in a show of reality to the show.

Here’s what one banned newbie Digger by the username of xDigger has to say:

“I was only a few days baby on Digg. On my third day of my Digg Life I had Dugg about 320. It was a holiday and I decided to spend the day Digging articles I like. I was banned the following day, but that is a small matter. They also had banned Zaibastu. He was the only guy who noticed me in the sea of Diggs, made me a friend and Dugg my first article. This is indeed very bad.

What’s bad in using scripts, if it can save your time? For is not the computer an invention that helped humankind save time. Now will you ban the computer from being used in offices and specially in Digg’s offices for it is saving time?”

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